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Napoleon – Dropfruit Duo’s Zoet – 175g
Zoet en dubbel zo lekker: drop en fruit

Napoleon is nu dubbel zo lekker, door de heerlijke dubbelsmaak van drop en fruit. Zoete drop-fruit combinaties met een zoet poeder in de kern. Deze zoete mix bevat de combinaties drop en aardbei, drop en banaan en drop en framboos.

Ingrediënten suiker, glucosestroop, dextrose, voedingszuren (citroenzuur), ammoniumchloride, zoethoutwortelextract, natuurlijke aroma’s, kleurstoffen (curcumine, anthocyaninen, carbo medecinalis vegetabilis), zwarte wortel extract.

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Duo Sweet

Sweet and twice as good: fruit and liquorice

DUO is an irresistible candyball which combines liquorice and fruit to be doubly delicious. With sweet powder in the centre in the flavours liquorice & strawberry, liquorice & banana, and liquorice & raspberry.

A mixture of liquorice-banana, liquorice-strawberry and liquorice-raspberry flavoured hard-boiled sweets with a sweet powder filling.

Ingredients sugar, glucose syrup, dextrose, acids ( citric acid), ammonium chloride, liquorice extract, natural flavourings, colours (curcumin, anthocyanins) vegetable carbon), black carrot extract.


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  • Vegan

Napoleon – Dropfruit Duo’s Zoet – 175g

SKU: 8717399041669
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