There isn’t a scent or flavour more distinctive than Lapsang Souchong. It’s all down to the pinewood smoke that permeates the leaves when they’re being dried.
Smoky China Tea
Ingredients. 100% Smoked Black Tea
What does it taste like?
Deeply mellow with delicious smoky tones.
How do I drink it?
Brew for three minutes for a flavoursome cup. If you like a really smoky cup four will do it.
Where does it come from?Tea is produced a little differently in the Fujian province of China. Flowing and age old method, the tea leaves are laid in bamboo baskets and dried over glowing pinewood embers. This imparts the wonderful smoky flavour our Lapsang SOuchong is renowned for.
Doing good. With your support, Twinings helps provide access to clean water for villages across Darjeeling, helps improve mother and baby health in tea growing regions of Yunnan and helps improve health and nutrition in tea communities in Assam.
By Appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Tea & Coffee Merchants R. Twining and Company Limited. London.
en Elizabeth II Tea & Coffee Merchants R. Twining and Company Limited. London.
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